Tuesday, April 05, 2005

DOORS East report out

The latest DOORS of Perception report is all about DOORS East... sounds like a fascinating event. Much food for thought around platforms for social innovation-- the need to build architectures that can serve local leaderships and help them to retain control over their own resources. Would this be within existing local democracies I wonder? or might it facilitate new systems of 'government'?
Also some interesting stuff about informal street economies.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Mobile interaction workshop at LSE

Just found out about this... (too late again)
The LSE Department of Information Systems hosts the fifth annual Social Study of IT (SSIT5) workshop on Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 April at LSE. The workshop will explore some of the opportunities and challenges of the mobile society and features a panel discussion on Monday 4 April with speakers from academia and industry.

Programme here.
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