Sunday, June 05, 2005

Music blogger... and sharing

Just read about this new application-- Mercora-- described by Matt Maier in Om Malik's blog as 'blogger for radio'. I'm becoming more and more interested in collaborative applications online-- it seems that content is no longer (or was it ever?) the 'killer app' for driving people to particular sites... now it's the promise of interaction and finding out what other people are doing/saying/listening to etc.

Audioscrobbler is a good example of a site that aggregates data about what people are interested in (in this instance, listening to) and serves it back as packaged information. Amazon was a pioneer with its 'people who bought what you bought also bought... X'.

Blogs, online photo sharing (e.g. Flickr), bookmark sharing through del.ic.ious, allow people to share their own content. Social networking sites (e.g. Friendster, LinkedIn) allow people to share information about themselves in order to connect with others. (I do wonder how many people use them to connect to people they don't know already though. There is a numbers game of collecting connections at play.) Google is also a social networking site-- probably the most used-- now that 'to google someone' is a common pastime.

What is the spatial dimension? How might one map these networks? Or to come at it from another angle, what will people use wireless networks for in the Future? (near future). So what kind of applications might be built for local spaces and local communities?
It looks like people will be using the web in a more dynamic way to find out about other people-- what they're thinking, where they are as well as ideas. But the model will likely not be sitting down to read loads and loads of content-- not a newspaper model.

Some projects seem to point the way to locating blogging and social networking in physical space. Social Tapestries allows mobile annotation of spaces-- kind of mobile blogging-- so there is a clear spatial dimension there. There are various attempts to introduce mobile social networking applications using mobile phones-- I linked to one in MIT a while ago.


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